Some Computer Hints

UNIX Shell (POSIX, ksh)

Use the IFS shell variable to split a line into fields:

$ grep root /etc/passwd | IFS=: read user x1 uid gid x2 home shell
$ print $uid $home

Note: The above commands will not give the desired output on a Bash environment.

To send all output (stdout and stderr) generated by a command to the same file use:

$ command >file 2>&1

To send all output (stdout and stderr) generated by a command to a file and to the terminal (stdout) use:

$ command 2>&1 | tee file

The following string substitution operators can be used:

${varname:-value} Return value of varname if it exists and it is not null; otherwise return value.
${varname:=value} Return value of varname if it exists and it is not null; otherwise set varname to value and return value.
${varname:?message} Return value of varname if it exists and it is not null; otherwise print varname: message and abort current command or script. Default message is parameter null or not set.
${varname:+value} Return value, if varname exists and it is not null; otherwise return null.

Note that if the colon (:) is omitted, then only existence test is done and varname is not tested for nullness.

Bash has more string substitution operators.

The following pattern-matching operators can be used:

${varname#pattern} If pattern matches the beginning of varname’s value, delete the shortest part that mathes and return the rest.
${varname##pattern} If pattern matches the beginning of varname’s value, delete the longest part that mathes and return the rest.
${varname%pattern} If pattern matches the end of varname’s value, delete the shortest part that mathes and return the rest.
${varname%%pattern} If pattern matches the end of varname’s value, delete the longest part that mathes and return the rest.


$ var=variable
$ print ${var#*a}
$ print ${var##*a}
$ print ${var%a*}
$ print ${var%%a*}

Use the command:

$ expr index string string2

to display the numerical position in string of first character in string2 that matches.

$ expr substr string position length

to extract length characters of substring from string starting at position.


$ exec >filename

command redirects stdout to a designated file. This sends all subsequent command output that would normally go to stdout to that file. To resume output enter:

$ exec >/dev/tty