Personal Notes File

Your version (02.00) is out of date. Supported version is: 02.02.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section some answers to frequently asked questions are given. See also Troubleshooting for solving some problems. Please, click on the topic you are interested below:

+ FAQ0020 - When I open my NOTEPAD .txt files, NOTEFILE drops (loses) the first character in the file. Why?

+ FAQ0030 - How can I modify the index line of a card? I try to modify the first line of the card, but this change is not reflected in the Notes Index List.

+ FAQ0040 - The program opens in the middle of the screen. But when I open my NTF formatted file, the program window shifts to the right so that the right end of the window, including the window controls on the title bar, are off the screen. I can reposition the window without problem, but would rather the window didn’t shift.

+ FAQ0050 - Is it possible to print a file and have a new page start at the beginning of a card, rather than the next page starting part way through the card on the previous page? When I print a file can I change the default font?

+ FAQ0055 - It would be nice to be able to print a list of the right side (Index) of the program as well as the whole card.

+ FAQ0060 - Is there a way to get rid of the most recently used file names in the File menu when these files no longer exist or not wanted to be listed?

+ FAQ0070 - What is the size limit of each card? Is there a size limit for the whole file?

+ FAQ0080 - Is there a functional difference between getting permanent license and using NOTEFILE with no registration?

+ FAQ0090 - I'd like to know if I can use the NOTEFILE from a CD or compact flash disk.

+ FAQ0120 - I cannot open your web page!

+ FAQ0130 - Can I change the print font to get a better looking output?

+ FAQ0140 - My index window is narrow; shows two characters. I must set it to normal default width using the keyboard. I am blind using Jaws, speech and Braille.

+ FAQ0150 - Is there a version of NOTEFILE for Linux? Do you have any plans of doing a Linux version in the foreseeable future?

+ FAQ0155 - Do you know any other programs that can open an .ntf file? Specifically, a program on an Android or iOS phone?

+ FAQ0160 - What is an autosave file? Why do I get the message There is an autosave file with the same name. Do you want to open that file instead? when I try to open an .ntf file?

+ FAQ0170 - Is it possible for the Cygwin or Linux file command to correctly detect Personal Notes File data files?